Seamless Digital Patient Journey: Why It Works.

by Julia Sweeney, Monday, September 18, 2023

Seamless Digital Patient Journey: Why It Works.

Why It Works:

We know that the logistics of a clinical visit - getting to the hospital, determining where to park, finding your appointment location - can be overwhelming. Eyedog.US helps ease that stress by delivering your entire journey right to the palm of your hand, before you even leave home. Alongside your appointment reminder, ahead of your appointment, you’ll receive a link to preview your journey from home, directly to your appointment. From the comfort and safety of your home, you can crush your anticipatory anxiety; preview your route ahead of time, so that you know exactly what to expect upon arrival at the hospital. Eyedog’s digital patient journey shows you the path ahead, so that you have no questions unanswered along the way.

Patient Journey